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A Pair of Fine Liuli Glass Beads
Warring States Period
HK$ 46,000 - HK$ 66,000

Each of the blue liuli glass beads is of barrel form with a central aperture, inlaid with sets of deep blue bosses, each encircling a yellow boss, separated by crossed yellow lines accented with blue dots.
Since jade and other gemstones found in ancient China were not rich in colour, the court and nobility were eager to find more colourful materials for their daily use. It is believed that glass was brought from Europe to China via the Silk Road, and was turned to liuli glass after adding colours. Liuli was first applied on pottery, but it was also applied to jewellery and gained widespread popularity thanks to its amazing colours. Liuli of good quality can keep its colours for thousands of years without any change.

由於中國玉石的色彩不多,故古時貴族極力尋求有顏色的器物。相傳於二千年前,玻璃由歐洲地區經絲綢之路進口中國,加入顏料後形成琉璃。一開始應用於陶器上,後來由於其色彩豔麗奪目,人們遂將之應用於配飾設計上,令琉璃成為珍貴的珠寶配飾之一,廣受喜愛。 其質素優良,可經歷二千年而不變色。

2.6cm high; 2.4cm wide; 2.2cm deep

Lisa's Collection

A Pair of Fine Liuli Glass Beads
Warring States Period
HK$ 46,000 - HK$ 66,000

Each of the blue liuli glass beads is of barrel form with a central aperture, inlaid with sets of deep blue bosses, each encircling a yellow boss, separated by crossed yellow lines accented with blue dots.
Since jade and other gemstones found in ancient China were not rich in colour, the court and nobility were eager to find more colourful materials for their daily use. It is believed that glass was brought from Europe to China via the Silk Road, and was turned to liuli glass after adding colours. Liuli was first applied on pottery, but it was also applied to jewellery and gained widespread popularity thanks to its amazing colours. Liuli of good quality can keep its colours for thousands of years without any change.

由於中國玉石的色彩不多,故古時貴族極力尋求有顏色的器物。相傳於二千年前,玻璃由歐洲地區經絲綢之路進口中國,加入顏料後形成琉璃。一開始應用於陶器上,後來由於其色彩豔麗奪目,人們遂將之應用於配飾設計上,令琉璃成為珍貴的珠寶配飾之一,廣受喜愛。 其質素優良,可經歷二千年而不變色。

2.6cm high; 2.4cm wide; 2.2cm deep

Lisa's Collection

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