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The white jade, with russet inclusions and partial calcification, is polished to a refined lustre, carved as a flat pendant in the shape of a dog from bird's eye view. It is finely incised in double lines with oval ears with spirals, big round eyes, a straight nose and a pair of outstretched forelegs. 青白玉,晶瑩溫潤,帶沁色,局部鈣化。體扁平,琢成鳥瞰角度的伏臥形狗,並以雙鈎線陰刻五官細節,包括圓大眼,長直鼻,旋渦紋橢圓形耳,並於兩側琢有一對往前伸的前足,造型獨特。圓眼之間有小圓孔,可供穿繫。 6.9cm high; 4.4cm wide; 0.6cm deep Lisa's Collection |